Wednesday 21 January 2009

Progress made in filming...

Having filmed about 60% of our footage on Sunday 18th January, we had a lot of editing to do, which we started on monday. It was obvious that we had plenty of footage and were happy with how most of it came out.

All in all, i believe our first shoot was a succcess, we stuck to the storyboard, while also filming any extra shots wherever we felt necessary. Although it was tiresome, as we in town for nearly seven hours, we managed to get a lot of footage and i am pleased with the quality of most of the shots. (However, it was very embarrasing walking around town with a man dressed as a clown...)

One of the problems we came across was that both our batteries ran out. Luckily, we had a personal camera with us which we could start filming on. We are now in the process of converting these files onto the correct format so that we can edit it on the school's version of premier Elements.

Luckily, on the day, weather was on our side and we did not run into any faults on that note. Also, there were not too many people getting in our way (probably because they were scafred of the clown). Transport was not an issue either as we had access to a friend's car, which we later used as a dolly as well.

The only shots that i feel we may need to re-shoot are the scene in the alleyway, the 'running around car' scene and possibly the shots of the man running up the stairs. (Mostly because i believe we could have made these shots slightly better in terms of angle and lighting). We can easily film these in town on Sunday though, as we are going to shoot the ending anyway.

We also filmed all the shots in Theo's house today (Scene in which they run through a house) and will see tomorrow if we need to re-shoot any of it. Though i feel it went very well and i donn't think we will need to reshoot any of it. (That reminds me - thanks, Theo, for letting us use your house.)

As i mentioned, we will be going into Tunbridge Wells on Sunday 25th January to film any re-shoots, filler shots and the ending. We hope to start very early again, hopefully, this time my lazy companions will wake up early enough ... :p

Thursday 15 January 2009

First Filming Date.

We will first start shooting on Sunday 18th January, early morning. We iwll shoot nearly all the TunbridgeWells shots. (Meet 8:00 in town.)

After Animatic!

Upon completing our animatic, we now have a solid structure to our video. We knew the general order of all our shots and most of the cuts. There were however, a few things which we were still uncertain of. For example, there were still some shots which we are unsure of how to shoot. To counter this, we did some practice shots and edited them. This was a useful excersize because we now know what shots we will film and how we will edit them.

Our animatic also helped us to establish some 'key shots' which we will synchronize with certain points in the song. For example, when the clown first appears, the slow motion sequence and the confrontation.

Now we have a much better idea of what we need to film and how will approach the editing stage of our project.

Tuesday 6 January 2009


  • The purpose of the animatic is to allow us to identify and correct potential faults before it becomes too late.
  • First, we storyboarded the idea in some detail and individually filmed each image for a few seconds, we would then use premier elements to edit them into the particular sequence we intend to film our video in.
  • It enables us to see if our concept fits with the song and how much of we need to change any of it.
  • So far, the animatic has allowed us to realize that we need more filler shots and some sort of major event which will maintain the audiences attention in during the video.
  • One possible problem that we could encounter is that the song might be too long for the ideas we have got.
  • If this happens, we can easily overcome the problem by storyboarding some more ideas and fitting them into the animatic.