Thursday 13 November 2008

Chris Milk (posted by Toby)

Gnarls Barkley - "Who's Gonna Save My Soul?":

This video is interesting because although it is narrative based and strong fantasy themes, there is still lip synching and lyrics from the song are put into context of the video e.g. when the heart addresses the woman dumping her boyfriend; "yet i never stopped to wonder, is it possible you were hurting worse than me".
The approach is a similar one taken by Spike Jonze in "Da Funk" for Daft Punk where the actual track is played in the background and the dialogue forming the narrative takes priority, this shows that the artisic element of the video in terms of directing/acting/editing is just as important as the track itself if not more.
The intertexuality of the video lies in the subject of a couple ending their relationship; a scene we have all experienced in films, reinforced with the cliched 'break-up' lines like "its not you its me" and also an american Diner as a setting adds to the videos cinematic feel. The use of intelectual diaglogue describing situations accessible to everyone such as how it feels to get over someone is done in an almost poetic way that is reminiscent of a Tarantino dialogue; a convention of his films.

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