Wednesday 12 November 2008

We are scientists - Nobody move, nobody get hurt. (Posted by Saad))

  • The video has genre characteristics at the start only when the band are shown playing their instruments and singing along.
  • After that though, the video shows more disjuncture. i.e. there is no clear link between lyrics and video.
  • The band have developed a visual motif through the hairstyle and clothing of the lead singer.
  • Lots of handycam shots are used to show the characters' fear and the shots of them in the corridoor are panoramic to stress the distance between them and the bear.
  • When they are running, there are lots of cuts and shots from the p.o.v of the bear - adds verisimilitude.
  • Also, they are often shown running from a side-on angle. (Techniques that we should use in our video as we are doing something similar.)
  • The use of handycam and frequent cuts creates a visually descented experience - something which is always effective in chase sequences.
  • Pull focuses are also used to the same effect.
  • The location of the chase contrasts with the man in a bear suit and makes him look really out of place - an effect which gives the video repeatability.
  • The use of CCTV shots also adds repeatability and adds to the visually descented experience.
  • The band are representing themselves as resilient and strong enough to escape their critics (The bear may be representing their critics) and this video may be their way of showing that they are capable of conceptual, narrative based videos. i.e they are mking a statement.
  • Also, they display their unity at the end when they are shown together in the car implying that they are very much still a band. (As there were rumours of a split-up not long ago)
  • In this sense, the video is part of their metanarrative and they are using it to convey a message to their audiences about the state of their band.
  • So not surprisingly, they are doing their best to promote a positive band image.
  • The video may be considered postmodern as it uses a familiar image of fear (bear) to construct a light hearted and playful example of disjuncture.
  • The fact that we see the band performing at first and then we are with them throughout the chase creates a parasocial intimacy between the band and it's target audience.
  • The mis-en-scene at first, when they are performing, is typical of performance based vidoes (guitars, drums) but this quickly changes whn the bear appears and they go out onto the streets.


  1. This videos got a good DIY feel because of the pure usage of handicam, also at 1.33 they use a zoom! The song sounds quite upbeat which i think works well with the chase but also anchors the video as playful and not serious...that and the bloke in the bear costume.

  2. Saad - I don't mind you using bullet points, but the analysis is too short - you need to comment on representation, brand image, ideological discourse, meta-narrative etc.

    You need to extend on some of those bullet points too

    Level 3+
